Farmers training

88,495 West African farmers have been trained (by 306 accredited trainers) to ensure sustainable agricultural practices to let nature thrive (in 2018/2019)  :

  • Plant forest tree species, timber trees, fruit trees and shrubs as a form of diverse and native tree species.
  • Maintain a buffer zone of native vegetation between the borders of the plantation and water bodies to reduce erosion, limit contamination from pesticides and fertilizers, and protect wildlife habitats.
  • Recognise the importance of shade trees and plant them on farms where necessary and feasible.
  • Be aware of threatened and endangered wildlife species within their production area and how to protect them and their habitats.
  • Refrain from hunting, fishing or gathering rare, threatened or endangered species on the farm.
  • Refrain from farming activities in national parks, wildlife refuges, forestry reserves, buffer zones, water bodies and other public or private conservation areas.
  • Refrain from converting High Conservation Value/High Ecological Value/High Carbon Stock areas (forests, grasslands or wetlands) to farmland.
  • To sustainably manage any use of timber or fuel wood by ensuring that the use rate does not exceed the growth and replacement rate.