Push Through

Push Through

50 bonbons
Finnish Seabuckthorn & Sage, incorporated with white, dark, and a hint of milk chocolate. One of the most nutritious berries around, Seabuckthorn is mixed with white chocolate and Finnish sage, to lift up the aromatic and light taste of both. The sage is boiled down with water and oat Xylitol to create a perfect upcycling product. Oat Xylitol is made from oat hulls –formerly waste and is not only a non-common sugar but a healthy one. The name “push through” derives both from the oat xylitol´s up scaling principal as well as the small daisy pushing through the bonbon.

Seabuckthorn ganache

Used products: Seabuckthorn ganache

  • 100 g
    sea buckthorn juice

Preparation: Seabuckthorn ganache


Used products: Seabuckthorn ganache

Preparation: Seabuckthorn ganache


Make a “cold ganache” 
Heat the juice to 50°C, add to the previously melted, 30°C Zephyr white chocolate and emulsify

Sage & oat xylitol gelé

Used products: Sage & oat xylitol gelé

  • 375 g
  • 10 piece(s)
    Fresh sage leaves
  • 50 g
    Fazer Oat Xylitol
  • 5 g
    agar agar

Preparation: Sage & oat xylitol gelé

Boil All

Heat the water and crushed sage leaves up to 60°C
Add the Xylitol and Agar Agar. 
Cool down until the gelé starts to set and dose to the molds.

Chocolate crystal

Used products: Chocolate crystal

  • 150 g
  • 70 g

Preparation: Chocolate crystal


Preparation: Chocolate crystal


Bring the water and sugar to a boil and reduce until 150°C
Add the white chocolate and mix vigorously until crumbles and then pour onto a plate to cool 
Dust with dried seabuckthorn powder