

TOPIC OF YOUR CHOICE: I chose to create my dessert around the flavours of my childhood, such as Riz au Lait (the one that my mother made for me), Sablé Breton, and pineapple. FLAVOURS IN YOUR CREATION:  Sablé breton and cocoa gaufrette mixed together in a crumbly biscuit riz au lait mousse with vanilla from Tahiti poached pineapple in exotic fruits and Vanilla from tahiti exotic fruits coulis and vanilla from tahiti INSPIRATION BEHIND YOUR CREATION:  I looked towards my childhood to create this pâtisserie, which has very little added sugar, and is made low fat with seasonal and healthy fruits The pairing of creamy Riz au lait and crunchy sablé breton, associated with the chocolate strength, bring back memories from when I was younger. The vanilla flavoured poached pineapple brings fruity and  tangy notes to the dessert. The shape reminds of a leaf that has fallen on the ground, same as the ones that I used to step onto when I went for walks in the forest in autumn.

Riz au Lait

Used products: Riz au Lait

  • 163 g
    Round rice from Camargue
  • 82 g
  • 224 g
    35% cream
  • 528 g
    Whole milk
  • 2 g
    guerande salt
  • 203 g
    35% cream

Preparation: Riz au Lait

Boil rice in water.
Cook again in milk, cream, salt and sugar
Leave aside to cool down.
Add slightly whipped cream.


Poached Pineapple

Used products: Poached Pineapple

  • 540 g
    Victoria pineapple
  • 720 g
    passion fruit or exotic puree
  • 1 g
    vanilla bean
  • 3 g
  • 18 g

Preparation: Poached Pineapple

Cook Pineapple in the exotic purée and Vanilla (Tahiti), until the total mass is 900g, then drain.
Cook the cooking juice from the pineapple with pectin and sugar.
Mix the juice (with pectin) and pineapple.

Cocoa Gaufrette

Used products: Cocoa Gaufrette

  • 117 g
    chickpea juice
  • 117 g
    icing sugar
  • 59 g
    flour T65
  • 12 g
  • 30 g
    churned butter 82% fat

Preparation: Cocoa Gaufrette

Mix the Chickpea juice.
Add the icing sugar, whet flour and cocoa powder. Mix
Add the melted butter, mix and  spread. Bake for 15 minutes 180°C

Sablé Breton

Used products: Sablé Breton

  • 62 g
  • 124 g
  • 175 g
    flour T65
  • 5 g
    baking powder
  • 1 g
    guerande salt
  • 124 g
    churned butter 82% fat
  • 9 g
    vanilla extract

Preparation: Sablé Breton

Mix together the butter and sugar, then the yolks.
add the flour and baking powder.
Spread in a frame and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.

Crumbly Sablé

Used products: Crumbly Sablé

Preparation: Crumbly Sablé

Crumble the sablé and the gaufrette.
Pour the mix Elysée 36% and Cocoa butter on the crumble.
Spread in appropriate shape and place in the fridge

Assembly and finishing

First put the Gaufrette.
Pour riz au lait in and cover with crumbly sablé.
Place on top the 3D design filled with pineapple.