Christmas Log Inaya™ and Alunga™

Christmas Log Inaya™ and Alunga™

Recipes for 3 Classics Logs – Ref.: MLD-090429-M00

Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)

Used products: Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)

  • 100 g
    egg white
  • 250 g
    whole egg(s)
  • 200 g
    caster sugar

Preparation: Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)


Used products: Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)

  • 160 g
    egg white
  • 80 g
    caster sugar

Preparation: Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)

Beat the eggs and stiff with caster sugar.

Mix the two mixtures.

Used products: Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)

Preparation: Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)


Used products: Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)

Preparation: Cocoa biscuit (for 1 frame 40/60 cm)

Bake at 200 ° C for 10 minutes.
Cut 3 strips of 6.5 cm then spread 150g of Cara Crakine™ on each band and 3 other bands 3 cm wide.

Inaya™ 65% Crémeux

Used products: Inaya™ 65% Crémeux

  • 540 g
    35% fat liquid cream
  • 80 g
    UHT full fat milk

Preparation: Inaya™ 65% Crémeux


Used products: Inaya™ 65% Crémeux

  • 110 g
  • 65 g
    egg yolks

Preparation: Inaya™ 65% Crémeux


Poach the custard to 85°C.

Used products: Inaya™ 65% Crémeux

Preparation: Inaya™ 65% Crémeux

Sieve and pour over. 

Pour 250 g Inaya™ crémeux in a Demarle insert. Place a 3 cm-band of Extra Brute cocoa biscuit.

Alunga™ 41% mousse

Used products: Alunga™ 41% mousse

  • 445 g
    Whole milk

Preparation: Alunga™ 41% mousse


Used products: Alunga™ 41% mousse

Preparation: Alunga™ 41% mousse

Pour over

Used products: Alunga™ 41% mousse

  • 1200 g
    soft whipped cream

Preparation: Alunga™ 41% mousse

Add at 40°C

Inaya™ 65% glaze

Used products: Inaya™ 65% glaze

  • 150 g
  • 300 g
    caster sugar
  • 300 g

Preparation: Inaya™ 65% glaze

Bake at 103°C

Used products: Inaya™ 65% glaze

Preparation: Inaya™ 65% glaze

Pour over

Used products: Inaya™ 65% glaze

  • 17 g
  • 102 g
    cold water

Preparation: Inaya™ 65% glaze

Hydrate and add

Mix and refrigerate for 24 hours.
Use glaze to 28°C/30°C maximum.     


Fill to ¾ the Classique Log mould with Alunga™ Mousse.
Place the insert and place a cocoa biscuit band.
Freeze and once the Log is frozen, unmould and glaze.