Espelette Spiced Strawberries and Tomatoes

Espelette Spiced Strawberries and Tomatoes

Fresh flower and micro greens as needed for plating.

Almond Sponge

Used products: Almond Sponge

  • 4.4 oz
    egg white
  • 2.8 oz
    egg yolks
  • 2.8 oz
  • 1.8 oz
    unsweetened almond paste
  • 1.1 oz
    A.P. flour

Preparation: Almond Sponge

Mix everything together, strain and place in ISI bottle.
Bake in microwave for 20 seconds on high and place pieces in dehydrator.
Freeze. Once frozen, break into pieces and place in the dehydrator overnight.

White Chocolate Espelettes Pepper foam

Used products: White Chocolate Espelettes Pepper foam

Preparation: White Chocolate Espelettes Pepper foam

Boil the cream and Espelette pepper cut in half.
Infuse for 30 minutes, strain over white chocolate.
Mix, place in ISI bottle and add 2 cartridges.
Keep in cooler.

White Beer Sorbet

Used products: White Beer Sorbet

  • 13.4 oz
  • 8.5 oz
  • 8.5 oz
    powdered glucose
  • 0.3 oz
    sorbet stabilizer
  • 1.7 lb
    white beer

Preparation: White Beer Sorbet

Bring the water, sugar, glucose powder and stabiliser to a boil.
Add the beer.
Mix and let it rest overnight.
The next day mix and spin.

Gelée de liqueur de Cassis

Used products: Gelée de liqueur de Cassis

  • 8.8 oz
  • 1.8 oz
  • 1.1 oz
    blackcurrant liqueur
  • 0.1 oz
  • 0.7 oz
  • Q.S.
    diced tomatoes
  • Q.S.
    diced strawberries

Preparation: Gelée de liqueur de Cassis

Amener à frémissement l’eau et le sucre et ajouter la liqueur.
Ajouter la gélatine préalablement trempée.
Laisser refroidir à 30°C.
Blanchir les tomates. Couper les tomates et les fraises en dés.
Placer les dés dans le fond de l’assiette et verser la gelée.
Laisser prendre au frigo pour quelques heures.