The Chocolate Weekly - 2 - 2015


A lovely dessert by Joanne Todd, Brown’s Hotel, London. Photo: Laura Lajh Prijatelj

After a lovely holiday break we are back to share with you our love for all things chocolate.

I hope you had a great holiday too and that this year will be for all of you full of happiness, health, success and of course chocolate.

This year you will see more chocolate also in the fine dining with the trend of the chocolate boards. Chocolate boards are similar to cheese boards and allow you to taste a selection of chocolates of different origins. I think they are a heaven for all chocolovers.

A lovely collection of chocolates by William Curley . Photo: William Curley’s Archive

Where in the world can you enjoy the best pastries? If you aways thought that the best pastry comes from Paris, maybe you are living in the past. France has given to the world a lot, but now different nations unite what they have learned from the French with their own traditions and creativity – and with great results. Some believe that the best pastry in the world right now can be found in Japan. Read more here.

But when talking about France – do you know papillotes? Papillotes are a popular Christmas treat in France – the specially wrapped chocolates have romantic origins dating back to the 18th Century. Read more here.

Have we woken up in you a deep desire for chocolate? (I hope aso the deicious chocolate creations featured here helped) Then try one of the lovely chocolate dessert of the great pastry chefs or make them yourself. Here is our growing collection of recipes.

And once again: Happy 2015!

A lovely dessert by David Girard from The Dorchester. Photo: Andreja Lajh