Madirofolo chocolate and Madagascan lime delice, by Alyn Williams

Ingredients (for eight 6cm ring moulds)
- 70g full fat milk
- 162g double cream
- 1 whole egg
- 100g Cacao Barry Madirofolo chocolate (65%)
- 70g Cacao Barry Papouasie chocolate (35.8%)
- 1 leaf gold gelatine (bloomed)
- 1.25g Madagascan lime powder
- 24g Cacao Barry Mexique chocolate (66.1%)
- 30g whipping cream
- 45g stock syrup
- Jaconde sponge
- 63g whole eggs
- 44g icing sugar
- 44g ground almonds
- 12g plain flour
- 10g melted unsalted butter
- 46g egg whites
- 10g caster sugar
For the Jaconde sponge base
Whisk the dry ingredients together to incorporate. Add the whole eggs slowly, whisking continuously. Pour in the melted butter and incorporate. Whisk the whites and sugar together to soft peaks, fold this into the batter. Spread thinly (3mm) onto a silicon mat or silicon paper, bake on a flat tray at 180̊c for approx 8 minutes. Once cooked and cool, remove from the mat and cut into discs to fit snugly inside the ring mould.
For the delice
Chop the chocolates into pea sized pieces, mix the two chocolates together. Boil the milk, cream and lime powder, add the gelatine once boiled. Stir well then pass through a fine sieve. Pour over the eggs and whisk and then pour over the chopped chocolate, stir with a spatula until completely emulsified, knock out any air. Carefully pour 50g of delice mix into the moulds, tap the side to ensure there are no air bubbles and that the top is perfectly flat.
For the glaze
Boil the cream and pour over the chopped chocolate, allow to stand for 2 minutes, then stir in the syrup. Once the glaze is cool, carefully pour 5g on top of the delice. Place in the fridge until set, this should take about 2-3 hours. To serve, warm the ring gently in your hand, push the delice from below to release. Don’t touch the glaze. and