Entremets chocolat, avocat et tortilla

Entremets chocolat, avocat et tortilla

Ø 16 cm × 3

Cacao Streusel (5 mm squares - 150°C - 25 mn)

Used products: Cacao Streusel (5 mm squares - 150°C - 25 mn)

  • 100 g
  • 2 g
  • 7 g
    invert sugar
  • 100 g
    brown sugar

Preparation: Cacao Streusel (5 mm squares - 150°C - 25 mn)


Used products: Cacao Streusel (5 mm squares - 150°C - 25 mn)

  • 100 g
    almond powder
  • 10 g
    cocoa powder
  • 90 g
    weak flour

Preparation: Cacao Streusel (5 mm squares - 150°C - 25 mn)

Add the almond powder, cacao powder, and weak flour and pack together.
Filter through 5mm square mesh.
Fire in the oven.

Christian (Ø 14.5 cm - 80 g each)

Used products: Christian (Ø 14.5 cm - 80 g each)

  • 120 g
    streusel (cacao)
  • 27 g
  • 27 g
    puffed rice

Preparation: Christian (Ø 14.5 cm - 80 g each)

Combine in a bowl

Preparation: Christian (Ø 14.5 cm - 80 g each)

Combine together, melt, and add to the previous mixture.

Pour onto the mold, cool, and harden.

Ruby Red Grapefruit Jam, 55% on Brix scale (45g each)

Used products: Ruby Red Grapefruit Jam, 55% on Brix scale (45g each)

  • 90 g
    grapefruit juice
  • 375 g
  • 30 g
  • 1/2 beans(s)

Preparation: Ruby Red Grapefruit Jam, 55% on Brix scale (45g each)

Add to a pan and heat.

Used products: Ruby Red Grapefruit Jam, 55% on Brix scale (45g each)

  • 90 g
    granulated sugar

Preparation: Ruby Red Grapefruit Jam, 55% on Brix scale (45g each)

Add the granular sugar and pectin and boil down.

Boil down until there is a Brix reading of 55%, move to a vat, and cool.

Avocado Cream (180g)

Used products: Avocado Cream (180g)

  • 52 g
  • 1/5 beans(s)
  • 48 g
    egg yolks
  • 16 g
    granulated sugar
  • 16 g
    invert sugar

Preparation: Avocado Cream (180g)

Combine for the crème anglaise and heat.

Used products: Avocado Cream (180g)

  • 3 g
    powdered gelatin
  • 18 g
  • 50 g
  • 5 g
    lemon juice

Preparation: Avocado Cream (180g)

Add the powdered gelatin and water and mix in the avocado and lemon juice. Put through a hand blender and strain.

Used products: Avocado Cream (180g)

Preparation: Avocado Cream (180g)

Mix in the melted Zéphyr.

Used products: Avocado Cream (180g)

  • 240 g
  • 120 g
    whipped cream

Preparation: Avocado Cream (180g)

Mix in the mascarpone and whipped cream.

Chocolate Mousse (Ø16cm h:2cm)

Used products: Chocolate Mousse (Ø16cm h:2cm)

  • 88 g
    granulated sugar
  • 40 g

Preparation: Chocolate Mousse (Ø16cm h:2cm)


Used products: Chocolate Mousse (Ø16cm h:2cm)

  • 104 g
    egg yolks
  • 25 g
    egg white

Preparation: Chocolate Mousse (Ø16cm h:2cm)

Add to the water, heat to 65°C and beat.

Preparation: Chocolate Mousse (Ø16cm h:2cm)

Melt the chocolate, add a little whipped cream and mix.
Add the previous mixture and and the remaining whipped cream and mix.

Put the biscuit in the dessert pan so that there is a 14.5cm hole and soak the surface with syrup. Pour in the mousse, even out the surface, and refrigerate. Remove from the mold when hardened.


Cut the biscuit into a 3cm wide belt and line a Ø16cm × h:3cm dessert pan.
Place the christian in the bottom and squeeze on the ganache.
Place the biscuits on top with a Ø14.5cm hole and, after soaking in the grapefruit liquor and syrup (30° on the Baumé scale), spread on the ruby grapefruit jam.
Pour on the avocado cream and cool and harden in a refrigerator.
Place the frozen mousse chocolate on top and pistol the appaleil from the combined Ocoa 70% and the cacao butter.
Decorate the surface with macaroons and gold leaf.