Tart a la crème Tea Time

Tart a la crème Tea Time

Inspirations : With the constant overload of today’s world, I wanted to create something that would remind consumers to pause and enjoy the smaller things.  Tea time allows people to treat themselves and disconnect in a luxury food experience with small sweet bites.  I took the tart a la crème and elevated it to tea time level with a twist of flavours; because those who splurge on tea time are open to new ideas. I kept the traditional textures making sure not to lose the classic, but refined it by size, shape and feel.

Ginger Diplomate

Used products: Ginger Diplomate

  • 202 g
    Whole milk
  • 33 g
  • 1 g
    grated vanilla bean
  • 29 g
    ginger juice
  • 33 g
    egg yolks
  • 49 g
  • 18 g
    corn starch
  • 42 g
    gelatin mass
  • 93 g
    36% cream

Preparation: Ginger Diplomate

Make a pastry cream with whole milk, butter, vanilla bean, ginger juice, egg yolks, sugar, and corn starch.
Add gelatine mass and cool down.
Whip cream.
Mix the pastry cream with the robot coupe, and fold in whipped cream.

Mango Passion Fruit Confit

Used products: Mango Passion Fruit Confit

  • 170 g
    mango puree
  • 73 g
    passion fruit puree
  • 48 g
  • 3 g
    NH pectin
  • 31 g
    lime juice
  • 324 g
    Poached Mangos

Preparation: Mango Passion Fruit Confit

Heat the purees to 40°C and add the pectin.
Bring to a boil and add the lime juice.
Add the poached mangos, and cast into the 2cm 1/2 silicon sphere.

Mascarpone Chantilly

Used products: Mascarpone Chantilly

  • 43 g
    Whole milk
  • 34 g
  • 73 g
  • 38 g
    gelatin mass
  • 313 g
    36% cream

Preparation: Mascarpone Chantilly

Heat together the whole milk, sugar, and gelatine mass (x6).
Pour over the mascarpone.
Hand blend and add the cream.
Hand blend one more time.
Whisk when needed.

Sweet paste

Used products: Sweet paste

  • 65 g
  • 65 g
    icing sugar
  • 26 g
    almond powder
  • 2 g
    Madagascar Vanilla Paste
  • 26 g
  • 104 g
    all-purpose flour
  • 10 g
  • 1 g
    sea salt

Preparation: Sweet paste

Robot Coupe the butter, icing sugar vanilla paste, and sea salt.
Add the ground almonds, corn flour and plain flour.
Roll out the dough to 5 mm and cook at 160°C during approximately 12-14 minutes.

Poached mango

Used products: Poached mango

  • 102 g
  • 18 g
    passion fruit puree
  • 18 g
    mango puree
  • 1 g
    grated vanilla bean
  • 33 g
  • 2 g
    lemon juice
  • 150 g

Preparation: Poached mango

Peel and cube mangos.
Bring the water, mango purees, sugar, vanilla, and lemon juice to a simmer
Put everything in a vacuum bag and seal.
Poach as needed.


Thinly line a chocolate shell with Zéphyr™ white chocolate.
Thinly shell an elegant mould with Zéphyr™ white chocolate.
Place some sweet paste crumble into the bottom of the chocolate shell.
Then pipe the ginger cream and put some mango/passion confit in it.
Cap with the elegant chocolate shell.
Freeze into the 4 cm chocolate mould.
Take out of the freezer and spray with the chocolate velvet mix, 400g Zéphyr ™/200g cocoa butter/2g titanium dioxide.
Melt the base of the 4cm shell to stabilise it.
Dip the bottom into the crystallized white chocolate, then spray, and enrobe with desiccated coconut right away.
Take a little bit of Mango passion Fruit confit and pipe a thin line into a piping bag.
Whip the mascarpone cream and add it to the piping bag.
On a record player, pipe the cream marbled with the confit.
Decorate with some thin sprayed white dioxide chocolate sheets.
Decorate with some thin white chocolate sheet.
Sprinkle with vanilla powder.