


Cremeux Alunga™, espresso and cognac

Used products: Cremeux Alunga™, espresso and cognac

  • 300 g
  • 110 g

Preparation: Cremeux Alunga™, espresso and cognac

Bring to 40°C

Used products: Cremeux Alunga™, espresso and cognac

  • 160 g
    egg yolks

Preparation: Cremeux Alunga™, espresso and cognac

Pour a little of the warm cream over the yolks to temper

Mix in the remaining warm cream and bring to 85°C.

Used products: Cremeux Alunga™, espresso and cognac

Preparation: Cremeux Alunga™, espresso and cognac

Strain and pour over

Emulsify and refrigerate overnight.

Cocoa Nibs & Chestnut Flour Streusel

Used products: Cocoa Nibs & Chestnut Flour Streusel

  • 150 g
    cold butter
  • 150 g
    brown sugar
  • 115 g
    chestnut flour
  • 100 g
    almond powder
  • 50 g
    cacao nibs
  • 25 g
    cocoa powder
  • 0.5 g

Preparation: Cocoa Nibs & Chestnut Flour Streusel

Combine all ingredients together in a stand mixer with paddle attachment

Once everything is combined spread on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper. Bake at 330°F for about 15 minutes.

Cocoa Nibs Mascarpone Espuma

Used products: Cocoa Nibs Mascarpone Espuma

  • 80 g
  • 80 g

Preparation: Cocoa Nibs Mascarpone Espuma


Used products: Cocoa Nibs Mascarpone Espuma

  • 22 g
    cacao nibs

Preparation: Cocoa Nibs Mascarpone Espuma

Pour over

Infuse for 1 hour or overnight. Strain the nibs and adjust the liquid amount back to 160 g if needed.

Used products: Cocoa Nibs Mascarpone Espuma

  • 40 g
  • 200 g

Preparation: Cocoa Nibs Mascarpone Espuma

Warm the infusion and add

Emulsify. Cool down on ice. Fill a canister with 2 cartridges of No2 gas.

Zéphyr™ Caramel sherbet

Used products: Zéphyr™ Caramel sherbet

  • 665 g
  • 98 g
  • 66 g
    powdered glucose
  • 20 g
    invert sugar
  • 12 g
    powdered milk
  • 1 pod(s)
  • 4 g
    ice cream stabiliser
  • 1 pinch
    Celery salt

Preparation: Zéphyr™ Caramel sherbet

Combine and bring to a boil

Used products: Zéphyr™ Caramel sherbet

Preparation: Zéphyr™ Caramel sherbet

Pour over

Emulsify. Cool down on ice and keep in the refrigerator overnight. Blend well before churning.


In a small serving bowl place a quenelle of coffee cremeux.
Sprinkle the streusel next to the cremeux and top it with a scoop of Zephyr™ sherbet. Cover the dish with the cocoa nibs and mascarpone espuma.