Pistachio Eclair

Pistachio Eclair


Pate a Choux

Used products: Pate a Choux

  • 9.0 oz
    whole eggs

Preparation: Pate a Choux

1. Boil the first set of ingredients

2. Add the sifted flour with a whisk

3. Dry

4. Transfer to mixer with paddle, and mix until the steam is gone, about 1 min

5. Add the eggs gradually

6. Cool 15 min. in the refridgerator

7. Pipe with Matfer tip PF18

8. Dust with 50/50 cocoa butter and powdered sugar

9. Bake in deck oven at 360 for 15 min. then insert a spoon in the door, and bake 35 min

879g makes 20-24 eclairs

Raspberry Confit

Used products: Raspberry Confit

  • 1.0 oz
  • 0.1 oz
    pectin NH

Preparation: Raspberry Confit

1. Heat the raspberries , puree, and glucose to 40C

2. Add the sugar and pectin mixed together

3. Bring to a boil

4. Chill


1. Make 3 holes in the bottom of each eclair

2. Pipe Raspberry Confit

3. Whip the Pistachio Chantilly, and pipe

4. Freeze eclairs until very cold

5. Glaze eclairs at 28C two times