The Jean Barry Bite

The Jean Barry Bite

This tomato bite from Chef Joseph Montinaro pairs very well with the Zephyr white chocolate and basil

Sweet dough

Used products: Sweet dough

Preparation: Sweet dough

Sift all dry ingredients
Cream the sugar and the butter.
Add the yolks.
Add the dry ingredients and mix to just combined.
Roll out and cut into 10 cm disks and bake.
Sprinkle Mycryo® onto disks when they come out of oven.

Cherry Tomatoes

Used products: Cherry Tomatoes

  • 20 piece(s)
    Cherry tomatoes

Preparation: Cherry Tomatoes

Cut top off of tomatoes and set aside.
Hollow the tomatoes and set aside the shells.

Zéphyr™ Basil mousse

Used products: Zéphyr™ Basil mousse

Preparation: Zéphyr™ Basil mousse

Put eggs and yolks into mixer.
Put water and sugar into pot and cook to 118°C.
Add cooked sugar into mixed eggs and whip to ribbon.
Add Zéphyr™ white chocolate to mixture and whisk in by hand.
Add goat cheese and finely chopped basil and mix well by hand.
Temper in the melted gelatin solution.
Temper into whipped cream, cover and set aside into fridge for approx. 1 hour.
Note* You will need 200 g of pistachio bresiliennen to fill the tomatoes half way.