Cardamom-infused Esmeralda tablet

Cardamom-infused Esmeralda tablet

Ingredients for approx. 4 moulds

Cardamom-infused Esmeralda bar

Used products: Cardamom-infused Esmeralda bar

  • 2000 g
  • 2 g
    green cardamom

Preparation: Cardamom-infused Esmeralda bar

Melt the Esmeralda dark chocolate couverture and place in a container or vacuum bag with crushed green cardamom.
Seal and keep in the warmer at 40°C for 48 hours.
Take out and filter the infused chocolate.
Temper the chocolate and pipe into the moulds. 
Leave to crystallise.
Unmould and decorate with a strip of the bar, previously moulded and painted with cocoa butter and green colouring paint to obtain a velvet effect.
Pack and store.