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Chocolate Biscuit
Used products: Chocolate Biscuit
1.1 lbwhite egg
10.6 ozCrystal sugar
13.2 ozWhole milk
2.8 ozvirgin hazelnut oil
7.8 ozTPT hazelnut/flour
2.8 ozDCP-22GT
7.1 ozyolk
8.5 ozeggs
Preparation: Chocolate Biscuit
Whip egg white and crystal sugar. Boil whole milk, virgin hazelnut oil and Cacao Barry chocoalte. Pour over TPT hazelnut and Cacao Barry Plein Arôme chocolate. Add egg yolk. Progressively add eggs. Incorporate the meringue, spread the biscuit to 8mm thick, bake 9 min at 180°C. When taking out of the over, put upside down over a sheet.
Ganache Saint-Domingue
Used products: Ganache Saint-Domingue
8.5 oz40% cream
8.5 ozunsweetened concentrated milk
1.3 ozglucose DE 60
0.7 ozsorbitol powder
2.5 ozDry butter 82%
0.5 ozhazelnut oil
Preparation: Ganache Saint-Domingue
Bring cream, unsweetened condensed milk, glucose DE60 and sorbitol powder to a boil. Pour over Cacao Barry chocolate. Add dry butter 82% and hazelnut oil. Mix to obtain a homogeneous consistency, spread over the previously soaked biscuit.
Hazelnut Cacao Syrup
Used products: Hazelnut Cacao Syrup
4.6 ozwater
2.8 ozCrystal sugar
Preparation: Hazelnut Cacao Syrup
Bring all ingredients to a boil. Sieve into a soaked box at 60°C.
Hazelnut chips caramel
Used products: Hazelnut chips caramel
4.8 ozCrystal sugar
9.3 oz35% cream
2.4 ozglucose DE 60
0.1 ozSea salt
1/4 piece(s)Taha vanilla
1.8 ozDry butter 82%
1.1 ozchopped hazelnuts
Preparation: Hazelnut chips caramel
Caramelise crystal sugar. Boil cream, glucose, fleur de sel and Taha vanilla. De-cook using the boiled cream, cook at 110°C. Quickly bring to cool down. At 50°C, mix in dry butter cocoa butter, hazelnut paste and chopped hazelnuts. Mould into tube of 2,2cm, freeze, place onto the ganache and roll together, put in the fridge.
Chocolate Icing
Used products: Chocolate Icing
4.2 ozhazelnut oil
7.1 ozcocoa butter
0.1 ozCacao Barry - Power Flower black
Preparation: Chocolate Icing
Melt compound coating with Cacao Barry chocolate. Blend in hazelnut oil. Melt together cocoa butter and Cacao Barry Power FLower. Ice the cake at 8°C using the icing at 38°C, then spray the cake. Present on the rectangular plate. Put the second one into the presentation box.