Urban leaf bonbon

Urban leaf bonbon

Recipe for 35 pieces.

Tangerine, Lemongrass Coulis

Used products: Tangerine, Lemongrass Coulis

  • 80 g
    Tangerine pulp
  • 70 g
    Tangerine pulp concentrate
  • 1/2 piece(s)
  • 25 g
  • 1 g
    yellow pectin
  • 1 g
    agar agar
  • 19 g
  • 14 g
    sorbitol powder
  • Q.S.
    Tangerine zest

Preparation: Tangerine, Lemongrass Coulis

Heat tangerine pulp and lemongrass. Mix sugar, pectin and agar agar, add to hot liquid and boil for approx. 1 min. Add sorbitol powder and glucose and boil for approx. 1 min. Strain. Leave to cool coulis to 31°C. Slightly mix before usage.

Ganache OrNoir “Urban Leaf”

Used products: Ganache OrNoir “Urban Leaf”

Preparation: Ganache OrNoir “Urban Leaf”

Bring cream and glucose syrup to a boil. Pour over coverture and mix. Add butter and mix. Cover and leave to cool.