Ind. Convex-Evocao™ Cocoafruit
- Level:
Recipe makes approx. 40 units
Evocao™ chocolate sablé
Used products: Evocao™ chocolate sablé
400 gcold butter
670 gWholemeal spelt flour T80
50 gcorn starch
180 gAlmonds powder
300 gIcing Sugar
8 gsalt
255 geggs
Preparation: Evocao™ chocolate sablé
- Melt the chocolate at 40ºC, lower the temperature a little and mix with the softened butter.
- In the machine, use the spatula to mix the flour, cocoa powder, starch and almonds powder with the powdered sugar, salt and the mixture of butter and chocolate, until a sandy texture is obtained.
- Add the eggs and mix until combined.
- Put in the fridge stretched and covered for about 24 hours.
- Roll out the pasta to a thickness of 2mm and cut into the desired shape.
- Allow to rest for about 20 minutes and bake in the oven at 160ºC.
Financier de albahaca sponge cake
Used products: Financier de albahaca sponge cake
200 galmond flour
436 gIcing Sugar
75 gGelatine sheet
160 gWholemeal spelt flour T80
44 gMixed-flower honey
430 gegg white
232 gMild olive oil
Preparation: Financier de albahaca sponge cake
1. Mix the sugar and basil and pulverize in the food processor.
2. Mix the sugar and ground almonds together, then add the previously sieved flour.
3. Add the honey and the egg whites, mixing everything together.
4. Finally add the olive oil.
5. Spread out on a tray with a rim 0.6 cm high.
6. Bake at 180-190 °C.
7. Set aside until needed.
Green apple compote with basil, mint and fennel
Used products: Green apple compote with basil, mint and fennel
275 ggreen apple puree
25 glemon juice
100 gSugar
4 gpectin NH
120 gGranny Smith green apple cubes
2 ggelatin leaves
2 gmint leaves
2 gfennel
Preparation: Green apple compote with basil, mint and fennel
1. Heat the apple puree with the lemon juice.
2. Add the sugar and the pectin and boil for one minute.
3. Leave to cool and then add the diced green apple and the fresh leaves.
4. Pour approx. 18 g of compote into the "Cacaofruit Convex-Evocao™" silicone moulds.
Evocao™ Wholefruit chocolate mousse
Used products: Evocao™ Wholefruit chocolate mousse
225 gmilk
25 gsingle cream
2 ggelatin leaves
470 gslightly whipped cream
Preparation: Evocao™ Wholefruit chocolate mousse
1. Boil the milk with the single cream and add the gelatine leaves.
2. Pour over the couverture and emulsify.
3. Check the temperature and, when the temperature is at around 40/45 ºC, combine with the lightly whipped cream.
4. Assemble the cake immediately.
Dark chocolate couverture
Used products: Dark chocolate couverture
100 gcocoa butter
Preparation: Dark chocolate couverture
Melt the couverture and cocoa butter separately and finish by mixing all the ingredients together, set aside
1. Pour the chocolate mousse into the bottom of the "Cacaofruit Convex-Evocao™" silicone mould.
2. Place the green apple inside and continue alternating layers of mousse with the basil sponge, and lastly the chocolate sablé.
3. Freeze and, once frozen, spray with the dark chocolate couverture to get a velvety effect.
4. Finish by placing some fresh basil leaves, mint, fennel and green apple cubes covering half of the dessert top.
Individual Cacaofruit Convex-Evocao™
The concept of this individual dessert has been inspired by the shape of the mould created by Andreu Carulla.
The Cacaofruit Convex-Evocao™ mold has a positive shape that has led us to use above-ground ingredients
In this case we made a financier de albahaca with olive oil, an interior comprising a fresh compote with diced green apple and basil, fresh mint and fennel, together with a chocolate mousse of Evocao™ WholeFruit Chocolate.