Bonbon Cara Crakine™ coco
- Niveau:
- Makes:
Recette pour 50 bonbons demi-sphère
Ganache coco
Used products: Ganache coco
0.9 oznoix de coco rapée
4.4 oz35% de crème
Preparation: Ganache coco
Faire bouillir et verser sur
Laisser infuser 30 minutes.
Chinoiser et recueillir 175 g d'infusion.
Used products: Ganache coco
0.4 ozpoudre de sorbitol
1.0 ozbeurre
Preparation: Ganache coco
Used products: Ganache coco
0.4 ozliqueur Malibu
Preparation: Ganache coco
A 80°C, verser sur
Garnir les moules demi-sphère à moitié.
Cara Crakine™ insert
Used products: Cara Crakine™ insert
Preparation: Cara Crakine™ insert
Crystallise at 45°C
Used products: Cara Crakine™ insert
Preparation: Cara Crakine™ insert
Mix with
Add to half filled moulds.
Seal moulds with crystallised chocolate.
Submitted by Christy bode-Hammond on Sun, 12/17/2023 - 16:08
What ingredient is this??? Under section 2
1.3 oz CHM-Q32HARM
Submitted by TIPHAINE PICHON on Mon, 12/18/2023 - 16:14
In reply to What ingredient is this???… by Christy bode-Hammond
Hello Christy,
This is an old product, you can replace it with our Lactée Supérieure 38% milk chocolate couverture. We will update the recipe accordingly.
Hope it helps,