Pastry & Anthropology Pillar 1

This year we’ve all experienced the drastic changes caused by the pandemic that have impacted on our way of life, our work, and our behaviour. To understand these changes, the trends that might as a consequence become more pronounced, and to be better prepared to be able to support our chefs and their business planning, Ramon Morató and his team have been working closely with Fanny Parise, an anthropologist who is an expert in this field. What will tomorrow’s pastry be like, and what sort of societies will they serve?
Pragmatically, three key concepts allow us to better understand the new complexity that the pastry will have to face in order to adapt to these social changes: the domestic hub, the new brand nostalgia and, the phygitalisation and virtualisation of the customer experience.
Faced with these upheavals that represent so many opportunities for innovation, we’ve been working hard on building a consistency between these elements to (potentially) offer desirable universes for the future of the pastry. To do so we’ve turned to ethnofiction, that is bringing into play a set of conjectures (technological, economic, political, ecological, and anthropological), together with speculation based on the cumulative knowledge of the human and social sciences. The ethnofiction is presented as a narrative, and is shaped by the development of concepts in the form of recipes. This creative act becomes a bridge between reality and potential futures.
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